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Fantasy Coach FPL Survivor GW7

Nicolas Savey

Dernière mise à jour : 6 oct. 2023

La première double Gameweek de la saison est passée. Le "Héro" de cette DGW est bien Carlton Morris, mis en avant par notre expert Arthur. Côté Survivor, il reste 354 managers en course après la J7 de Premeier League.

Le score minimum pour survivre à cette GW est de 29pts, ce qui a éliminé 14 managers.

Le détail des résultats est à retrouver via ce lien:

The first double gameweek of the season is done. The "Hero3 of this DGW is Carlton Morris who was tipped by our expert Arthur in the last Player Pick. In the Fantasy Coach's FPL Survivor competion we are left with 354 managers who go through to GW8.

This time the safety score was 29pts. 14 managers failed to reached that mark and are out of the Survovor.

The details of the results can be found via the link above.

Scores minimum par journée / Safety scores per Game Week

GW1: 49pts

GW2: 24pts

GW3: 28pts

GW4: 53pts

GW5: 27pts

GW6: 48pts

GW7: 29pts

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