(You can find the english version in the 2nd half of the article.)
Désolé de revenir sur la J29 de Premier League qui ne restera pas dans les mémoires. C’est sans doute la journée avec le pire score moyen de l’histoire de la FPL. Certes elle ne comptait que 4 matchs, mais tous les joueurs avec un gros effective ownership (EO) ont été déficients...à part Gibbs-White et Muniz.
Dans ce marasme général il fallait réaliser un score minimum de 10pts pour se qualifier au tour suivant du Fantasy Coach’s FPL Survivor. 102 managers continuent donc l’aventure mais 14 restent à quai.
La prochaine GW de FPL se joue ce prochain week-end. Nous en seront au 30e tour de matchs du championnat. La deadline de la GW30 est ce Samedi 30 Mars 2024 à 12h00 CET (11.00am GMT).
Le détail des résultats est à retrouver via ce lien
I apologise to come back and reminde you of the nightmare GW29. It's probably the lowest average scored gameweek in the history of FPL. Obviously with only 4 matches it was difficult to expect huge scores but with all the big hitters failing miserably, it was a massacre. Unless you had Gibbs-White and Muniz, you struggled to score more than 20pts.
To survive the GW29 of the Fantasy Coach's FPL Survivor the safety score was 10pts. 14 managers failed to reach a double figure score and that leaves 102 managers to battle it out in GW30.
THe dealine of this new gameweek is this saturday 30th March 2024 at 12h00 CET (11.00am GMT).
The results can be seen in the link above.
Scores minimum par journée / Safety scores per Game Week
GW1: 49pts
GW2: 24pts
GW3: 28pts
GW4: 53pts
GW5: 27pts
GW6: 48pts
GW7: 29pts
GW8: 28pts
GW9: 51pts
GW10: 47pts
GW11: 16pts
GW12: 44pts
GW13: 32pts
GW14: 41pts
GW15: 24pts
GW16: 23pts
GW17: 32pts
GW18: 25pts
GW19: 26pts
GW20: 48pts
GW21: 32pts
GW22: 34pts
GW23: 47pts
GW24: 43pts
GW25: 59pts
GW26: 38pts
GW27: 61pts
GW28: 37pts
GW29: 10pts